About Us

Bounce them. Share and develop your business ideas the smart way.

Connecting the world’s entrepreneurs one idea at a time.


We’re on a mission to connect the world’s entrepreneurs.

We believe in the power of a can-do mindset and attitude. We believe in a better world that can be created by people bringing real solutions to the lives of others. We believe in never giving up and helping to create equal opportunities for all.

Everyone has the ability to think of a way of enriching another person’s life, whether it’s in a big, not so big or tiny way; or whether it’s through offering a product or a service. The need to be relentlessly and obsessively focussed on our consumers and customers is ever so important to be able to create real solutions to real problems and lives.

Though it’s not always possible to actually do ‘it’ given the busy lives we lead, the lack of information we have access to without spending lots of time gathering it, lack of funds we have to start a venture, not seeing enough people who resemble us do it (and succeed) or simply not being brave enough to just go for it. These thoughts likely compounded for most in 2020 as COVID-19 forced us all to consider career freedom and value added services
in new ways.

That’s where Bouncyn can help. Bouncyn was created to bring you a single platform where entrepreneurs, at any stage in their journey, can:

1. Message: Reach out and communicate with fellow entrepreneurs in your network or beyond
2. Meet: Arrange a meeting, online or in person, or invite others to your next podcast / webinar
3. Share: Share announcements, explore ideas or seek advice and feedback. Use polls to gather data to help with your decision making
4. Engage: Whether it’s for funding, hiring or to collaborate on something, request to do business together


Bouncyn aim’s to inspire people to solve real life problems, have entrepreneurial mindset and dream bigger to pursue their goals.

We want to:

1. Connect the world’s entrepreneurs and start-ups in an effective and valuable way to bring real solutions to real people and positively impact the world
2. Showcase entrepreneurs and their business ventures on a single technology platform, that deliver real solutions to real problems
3. Inspire all people, regardless of background, to be proactive in identifying real problems and solutions for real people, whilst starting or advancing their own business initiative
4. Fuel entrepreneurship, facilitate and encourage entrepreneurs to be able to network, learn and conduct business activity together

Come aboard and join us on this mission!
